Terms of Sales

These general conditions of sale (hereinafter the "General Conditions of Sale") govern all of the commercial relations between SLBS Attitude, a limited liability company with a capital of 1,000 Euros, having its registered office at 26 rue Poliveau - 75005 PARIS, registered in the PARIS Trade and Companies Register under number 508 803 913, - hereinafter "SIMONE AND GEORGES" - and consumers or non-professionals (within the meaning of the introductory article of the Consumer Code ) who purchase the products offered by SIMONE AND GEORGES on the website (hereinafter the “Client (s)”).

Prior to any transaction, the Customer acknowledges having read these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, as set out in full below.

Any order placed via the site by the Customer implies full, full, final and unreserved acceptance by the Customer of the General Conditions of Sale which prevail over any other document.

The General Terms and Conditions of Sale can be read directly on the website, they can also be sent by email at the customer's request.

The products whose sale is governed by the General Conditions of Sale are those offered on the site and only these (hereinafter "Product (s)").

SIMONE ET GEORGES reserves the right to modify the General Conditions of Sale at any time. The applicable conditions are those in force on the site at the time of placing the order by the Customer.

1 - Characteristics of the Products

The items offered for sale are those which appear in our catalog published on the website (hereinafter the "Products").

Each product category has its own packaging methods, prices and delivery times.

Each Product is detailed by a technical sheet visible on the website This technical sheet describes in particular the essential characteristics of the Product.

It is the Customer's responsibility to read this information before placing an order.

The photographs, illustrations and graphics corresponding to each Product and appearing on the website are for information only.

The differences that may exist between the Products and their illustration can only be non-significant differences and are not likely to call into question the essential characteristics of the Products purchased by the Customer. The responsibility of SIMONE AND GEORGES cannot in any way be engaged as such, in any form and under any circumstances whatsoever.

2 - Purchase procedure

By placing an order on this website, the Customer declares that he is over 18 years old and that he has the legal capacity to conclude contracts.

It is possible to order online the Products present on the website

To place an order, the Customer must follow the online purchase procedure and click on "Payment".

The Customer thus adds the desired Products to his shopping basket and ticks the box "I have read the General Conditions of Sale and I accept them" before confirming his order. This automatically implies that he expressly accepts without restriction or reservation the General Conditions of Sale. The Customer acknowledges by this act having read and understood the General Conditions of Sale and accepting them.

The Customer must identify himself in order to be able to select his method of payment. There are two payment methods: payment by bank card and payment by Paypal account.

A summary of the order is then presented to the Customer, including in particular the information relating to the Products, the prices or even the delivery methods. An order number will then be assigned to the Customer.

Any order implies acceptance of the prices and description of the Products available for sale. Any dispute on this point will occur in the context of a possible exchange and the guarantees mentioned below.

In all cases, the online supply of the bank card number and the final validation of the order by the Customer will constitute proof of the order and payment of sums for the products selected in the order. This validation constitutes signature and acceptance of all the operations carried out on the site

In order to be validated, the order must include all the required information, in particular the Customer's e-mail address, delivery address and be paid in full.

SIMONE ET GEORGES reserves the right not to follow up on an order, in particular in the event of information from the banking organization in charge of managing the payment for the order, stating that it is impossible to implement the mode. of payment retained for the payment of the order or in the event of orders exceeding, by their content and / or their frequency, the needs of an individual and more generally in the event of abnormal order or bad faith.

The sale will only be considered final when SIMONE ET GEORGES has confirmed to the Customer by email the acceptance and validation of his order and after receipt of the full amount thereof.

The order is considered to have been placed on the date of validation of the order by the Customer (excluding weekends and public holidays, in which case the order will be considered to have been placed on the first working day following the weekend or public holiday). The deadlines indicated on the site run only from the validation of the order by SIMONE AND GEORGES by electronic mail (except weekends and holidays, in which case the order will be considered as past the first working day following the weekend or public holiday).

The Customer receives proof of payment during the order confirmation at the billing email address indicated. SIMONE ET GEORGES keeps an electronic copy of each order.

3 - Product Prices

The price of each Product appearing on the site is that in force on the day of the order. Our prices do not include any additional taxes linked to the country of destination which remain the responsibility of the recipient.

The delivery costs are variable depending on the delivery address and the number of Products purchased.

The amount of the Customer's participation in the delivery costs is specified on the order summary before accessing the payment platform.

SIMONE ET GEORGES reserves the right to change the price of some or all of the Products, at any time, particularly in the event of sales, product launches or special promotions.

4 - Payment

Payment is due in full upon order.

Payment is made when ordering online via the Stripe or Paypal secure payment platforms.

5 - Delivery of purchased Products - Acceptance procedure

It is specified that the delivery address (which may be different from the billing address) must be exact and mention all the details necessary for good delivery. It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure the conditions of accessibility of the place of delivery and to inform SIMONE AND GEORGES thereof.

If delivery could not be made for accessibility reasons, SIMONE ET GEORGES cannot be held responsible. A delivery address error, or any other problem resulting in the need to make the delivery again will be invoiced at the actual costs of the new delivery, the payment of these additional costs conditioning the new delivery.

The delivery times and prices are specific to each category of Products, depending on the available stock, and are specified when confirming the order.

The amount of the Customer's participation in the delivery costs is specified on the proof of payment given to the Customer.

The delivery times mentioned on the site are given as an indication and depend in particular on the availability of the Products and the order of arrival of the orders. Deliveries made no later than 30 days after the date of conclusion of the sales contract may not give rise to any compensation or penalty, nor constitute a cause for cancellation of the order by the Customer.

The delivery times mentioned on the site are given as an indication and depend in particular on the availability of the Products and the order of arrival of the orders. Deliveries made no later than 30 days after the date of conclusion of the sales contract may not give rise to any compensation or penalty, nor constitute a cause for cancellation of the order by the Customer.

Any event due to force majeure, any claim, any administrative decision, any transport stoppage, any unforeseeable IT failure, any market circumstance which would have the direct consequence of delaying, preventing or making the obligation exorbitant of delivery of the Products purchased at the expense of SIMONE AND GEORGES constitute a cause of ipso jure suspension of the obligations of SIMONE AND GEORGES, without compensation for the benefit of the Client. If such an event is prolonged for a period of more than 30 days, this event constitutes a cause of automatic termination of the obligations of SIMONE AND GEORGES and the Client, the latter will then be reimbursed for the price paid by him for the purchase of the Products concerned.

By force majeure, it should be understood to mean any event making it impossible unpredictably, irresistibly and outside the will of SIMONE AND GEORGES to perform its obligations, as they result from these General Conditions of Sale or from the definition and recognition of causes of Force Majeure determined by the International Chamber of Commerce and the jurisprudence of French courts.

Apart from the specific events referred to in the previous paragraph and if SIMONE AND GEORGES were unable to make the Products purchased available to the Customer within 30 days of the indicative delivery date mentioned when ordering (at the address of specified delivery and under the above conditions), SIMONE AND GEORGES would inform the Customer as soon as possible.

The Customer and SIMONE AND GEORGES may then validly agree (1) a deferred delivery of the Products purchased, or (2) a substitution of the Products purchased by other Products of comparable quality and price or (3) outright cancellation of the purchase in question, followed by reimbursement of the price paid by the Customer.

6 - Transfer of ownership and transfer of risks

SIMONE ET GEORGES retains ownership of the Products purchased until full payment by the Customer for the price of these Products and delivery costs.

The Customer is prohibited from disposing of the Products, reselling or transforming them until full payment of the price to SIMONE AND GEORGES.

By express agreement, the Customer will however be responsible for any loss, damage, theft, destruction, etc. of Products from the Reception, the Reception carrying transfer of the risks.

7 - Packaging

The Products are packed in such a way as to comply with the transport standards in force, and to ensure optimal protection of the Products during their delivery. The Customer is asked to comply with these same standards when returning any Product. Any damage found to a Product upon return due to a non-respected packaging problem may result in a partial refund or non-refund of the Product in the event that it is impossible to resell it as it is.

8 - Faculty of withdrawal

In accordance with article L.221-18 of the Consumer Code, as a consumer, the Customer has a withdrawal period of fourteen (14) days from receipt of the Products, allowing him to partially cancel or totally his order.

The Customer informs SIMONE ET GEORGES of its decision to withdraw by sending it (by mail to the address of the head office of SIMONE ET GEORGES or by email at the following before the expiration of the aforementioned period a withdrawal form conforming to the model present on the website (to download here).

In case of withdrawal, the Customer bears the costs of returning the Product (s).

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for orders of Products:

(1) made at the request of the Customer or clearly personalized;

(2) which have been unsealed by the consumer after delivery and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection.

In order to facilitate the management of product returns and to ensure the transport of the Products in the best conditions, the Products must be returned in their original packaging, accompanied by all the accessories and instructions, be in good condition and accompanied by proof of payment.

The reimbursement of all sums paid, including delivery costs, will be made within fourteen (14) days from the date on which SIMONE AND GEORGES is informed of the Customer's decision to withdraw. SIMONE ET GEORGES will send the Customer payment by bank transfer for reimbursement. No refunds will be made in cash. The Customer may not claim any compensation or damages.

9 - Complaints

When receiving the Products, the Customer must check the good condition, the properties and the number of Products delivered in the presence of the delivery person or La Poste agent.

It is up to the Customer, as recipient, to make specific reservations on the carrier's receipt and to confirm them, in accordance with the provisions of article L.133-3 of the Commercial Code, by registered letter with acknowledgment of reception within three days of Reception, with a copy of SLSB ATTITUDE, 26 rue Poliveau - 75005 PARIS.

Otherwise, the Customer may no longer exercise any recourse based on damage, missing or damage due to transport, neither against the carrier, nor against SIMONE AND GEORGES.

In case of lack of conformity of the Products delivered to the Products ordered or if one or more Products purchased are delivered damaged or prove to be missing, the Customer is required (1) to address to the company SLSB ATTITUDE, 26 rue Poliveau - 75005 PARIS , at the latest on the 7th working day following the date of Reception, a complaint by registered letter with request for acknowledgment of receipt and (2) to return the Products concerned to the aforementioned address within a maximum period of 10 working days following the date of receipt.

In the event of non-compliance with any of these deadlines, the Customer will no longer be able to claim, with or against SIMONE AND GEORGES, a lack of conformity of the Products purchased or their poor condition or missing items . The costs and risks of the return are always borne by the Customer.

Any return accepted by SIMONE AND GEORGES after verification of the returned Products, will result (1) either the establishment of a credit valid for 6 months from the date of issue (2) or the replacement of the Products concerned at SIMONE'S expense AND GEORGES (3) or the full reimbursement of the Products concerned, including the delivery costs paid and the costs incurred for the return, at the choice of SIMONE AND GEORGES.

In any event, the Customer is reminded that he must respect the maintenance and use advice provided with the Products. Failure to comply with the instructions on the labels of the Products or supplied with the Products will void any claim.

10 - Legal guarantees

In accordance with the provisions of articles L.217-4 and following of the Consumer Code, the Customer benefits from the legal guarantee of conformity and product safety. It also benefits from the guarantee against hidden defects as defined in articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code.

11 - Limitation and exemption from liability

SIMONE ET GEORGES declines all responsibility for the misuse or misuse of the Products that the Customer has ordered. SIMONE ET GEORGES is in no way responsible for the consequences resulting from: the storage of products under abnormal conditions or incompatible with their nature, their transformation, non-compliance with the instructions for use, installation, abnormal wear resulting from improper maintenance, or from improper use, installation, deterioration of the products due to water infiltration, shock or use, inappropriate temperatures or humidity levels.

Any complaint based on the non-conformity of the delivered products or an apparent defect must be notified before the use of the product, by registered letter to the registered office of the company SLSB ATTITUDE, 26 rue Poliveau - 75005 PARIS, in accordance with the stipulations of the Article 9 "Complaint". Otherwise, the Products will be deemed to have been accepted and recognized as compliant, no further recourse will be opened against SIMONE AND GEORGES.

Beyond the discharges and exemptions of responsibility of SIMONE AND GEORGES as stipulated in the articles of the General Conditions of Sale, the responsibility of SIMONE AND GEORGES can not, in any way whatsoever and for any reason whatsoever, be engaged in the event that it is impossible to deliver the Products purchased from the Customer due to the Customer's absence / deficiency. In particular if the order could not be delivered, for reasons which are not attributable to SIMONE AND GEORGES, after a period of 30 days following the date on which the order was available for delivery, the order will be deemed to be terminated at the fault of the Customer, the obligations of SIMONE AND GEORGES will then be automatically terminated and the latter will retain the price paid by the Customer as a penalty clause.

Furthermore, the responsibility of SIMONE AND GEORGES cannot be engaged in the event of (1) insufficiency or delay in the communication of the information necessary to ensure delivery of the Products purchased or (2) the failure of the Client to respect and the application of the General Conditions of Sale.

12 - Information technology and freedom

The nominative files of SIMONE AND GEORGES are declared to the National Data-processing Commission and Freedoms (CNIL), in accordance with the imperative provisions of the Data-processing Law and Freedoms of January 6, 1978 modified.

By validating each purchase, the Customer consents to the use by SIMONE AND GEORGES of personal data concerning him for the sole purposes of processing and proper completion of the procedures for purchasing and delivery of the Products purchased and / or for strictly statistical purposes.

Under Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, the Customer has a right of access and rectification relating to the personal data collected which concerns him, as well as a right of opposition. These rights can be exercised on simple request by letter addressed to the registered office of the company SLSB ATTITUDE, 26 rue Poliveau - 75005 PARIS or by email to the following

The Customer can also obtain, at his expense (cost of reproduction), a copy of the personal data concerning him, as well as the information to which he is entitled under the aforementioned law.

SIMONE ET GEORGES may possibly communicate the personal data thus collected to any third party of its choice, such as contributing to the abovementioned purchasing and delivery procedures, if these data are necessary for said third party (in particular to transport companies). This information is communicated on a confidential basis and in no case relates to the Customer's bank details which do not pass through any information system accessible to third parties.

When registering the Customer or an order, or as part of other specific operations, SIMONE ET GEORGES offers visitors or Customers to receive its newsletter, promotional offers and / or register to be informed of the holding of its “sales events”.

13 - Applicable law

The General Conditions of Sale are subject, for their interpretation and execution, to French law.

14 - Mediation - Disputes

If you believe that your rights have been infringed, you can send your complaint to the following email address:contact@simone-et-georges.comin order to request an amicable settlement.

Also, if your purchase was made on our website, we inform you that in accordance with European regulation n ° 524/2013, you have the right to request the resolution of your dispute on the platform dedicated to the resolution of disputes of consumption accessible via the following email address:

For all written complaints previously addressed to our customer service for less than a year and not satisfied, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code concerning the amicable settlement of disputes (articles L.611-1 and following and R.612-1 and following of the Consumer Code), the Customer if he wishes, may use the CM2C mediation service free of charge which we report electronically: or by post: CM2C – 14 rue Saint Jean 75017 Paris.

15 - Contact us

If you wish to contact us, our customer service is available on the site under the "Contact us" tab. You can also reach us by phone at+33 (0)7 60 10 64 74.

Standard delivery 10 CHF

Free from 172 CHF of purchase

Satisfied or refunded

Refund upon receipt

Secure payments

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Over 30 colors

For the whole family